Earn up to 3.35% APY2.  No account fees. No minimum balances.

Baselane is the best alternative to SimplifyEm

Trusted by 30,000+ landlords and investors.

A financial breakdown chart shows revenue at $12,600, operating expenses at $9,340, capex expenditures at $5,234, and transfers & others at $7,200. Below, there's info for Orlando Duplex at $2,800 and Philly Townhouse at $5,343.
Banking, Rent Collection, Accounting and More
Earn up to 3.35% APY interest2 up to 1% cash back3
100% free, no hidden fees
A person with gray hair wearing a green sweater is using a laptop. A "Monthly Cash Flow" chart overlay shows April, May, and June with accompanying numbers: Net Cash Flow $26,455, Cash Inflow $95,475, and Cash Outflow $69,020.

What makes Baselane the best SimplifyEm alternative

  • All-in-One Platform with Banking, Rent Collection, Accounting and more
  • High rewards with up to 3.35% APY2 and up to 1% Cash Back3
  • Free Rent Collection that’s landlord and renter friendly
  • Comprehensive cash flow analytics and reporting
  • Super user friendly with modern UI/UX
  • Excellent Customer Support

Why landlords are choosing Baselane over SimplifyEm

  • Better UI/UX
  • Free All-in-One Banking, Rent Collection and Accounting Software
  • Ability to better organize virtual accounts and cards
  • The welcome bonus ($300 offer)
  • Shipping new product features monthly
  • Excellent customer support
A person working on a laptop with infographics and text overlays: "Organize virtual accounts," "Better UI/UX," and "Excellent customer support." Office setting with blurred computer screens in the background.
A person with curly hair is smiling while looking at a tablet. The image features a digital graphic of a Visa business debit card with Baseline branding and a label that reads "Philly Townhouse $5,343.

Banking Built for Landlords

Unlike SimplifyEm, with our online rent collection and landlord banking products, Baselane offers a new way to organize landlord finances. No fees, high yield up to 3.35% APY2 on all balances*, and up to 1% cash back3 on debit card spend† — all seamlessly integrated into the Baselane platform, with dedicated accounts by property and for security deposits.

An image of a financial dashboard showing spending and budget information. The top section displays "$450.00" spent this month with a progress bar indicating 19% spending and "$100.00 left to spend." The bottom section breaks down categories like revenue, expenses, and payments.

Put Rent Collection on Autopilot

Never chase down checks or late rent payments again. Accept rent by ACH or card directly into your bank account for free. A cost-effective alternative to Propertyware’s rent payments, fees, and reminders.

Abstract image of a symmetrical, curved black shape forming a 'V' pattern, meeting at a point in the middle of a white background. The black areas fade smoothly into the white space along the curved edges.

Security Deposit Accounts

Hold all security deposits in a proper escrow account. The best part is you can earn up to 3.35% APY2 on those deposits.

A man wearing glasses and a sweater is sitting at a desk, focused on a computer screen. Two transparent boxes overlay the image, showing amounts of $3,450 for the main account and $4,530 for the security deposit.
An infographic shows a line graph of historical market value peaking at $432,000 in October. Below, financial data lists Revenue: $8,416, Operating Expenses: $3,508, Mortgage Payments: $2,841, and Transfers: $4,897.

Bookkeeping Made Easy

Easily categorize transactions by property and schedule E categories to stay organized. Never miss a deduction again and make tax time a breeze.

Powerful Reporting & Analytics

Powerful cash flow tracking and P&L reporting to stay on top of your rental property finances and maximize returns. Easily consolidate all your financial data from your Baselane banking accounts as well as your external accounts.

A financial chart is displayed over a row of houses. The chart shows net cash flow, cash inflow, and cash outflow from April to July. Net cash flow is $26,445; cash inflow is $95,475; cash outflow is $69,030.
A person using a smartphone and laptop beside a list of property types to insure: Single Family Rental, Duplex, and Apartment Building.

Insurance & Lending

Get simple, instant and transparent insurance & financing for your rental business. Reduce costs and maximize returns.

Thousands of Real Estate Investors Bank on Baselane

*Actual results may vary by customer.

Simplify your property finances today

Make the hardest parts of managing your rental property finances easy.