Security Deposit Return Letter Template for 2024

security deposits letter

As a landlord, you likely collect a security deposit from tenants moving into a rental property. When a lease ends, it’s important to document the return of security deposit funds and any deductions for damages to avoid legal disputes. This is done with a security deposit return letter.

This article explains what a security deposit return letter is, why it’s important, and how to write one. Plus, we provide free security deposit return letter templates to help get you started.

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Key Takeaways

  • A security deposit return letter informs tenants about their deposit refund and any deductions for repairs or overdue balance for unpaid rent or utilities.
  • A letter to return security deposit funds should include the original deposit amount, itemized deductions, the remaining balance, deposit terms and laws, and refund instructions.
  • This letter is crucial for legal compliance and documents for any security deposit disputes or insurance claims.

What is a Security Deposit Return Letter?

A security deposit return letter (also called a security deposit return form) outlines security deposit terms, deductions, and how much of the deposit will be returned to tenants after they move out.

If you aren’t refunding the entire deposit, most states require landlords to provide an itemized statement of deductions. You can put these details in a security deposit deposition form and send it with the return of deposit letter.

Why is a Letter to Return a Security Deposit Important?

A letter to return security deposit funds provides a written record of deposit transactions. Here’s why it’s so important:

  • State Laws: Generally, you have between 14 and 60 days after a lease period ends to return a security deposit and provide a list of deductions. A security deposit return letter shows you notified tenants within the required time frame.

  • Security Deposit Disputes: A landlord security deposit return letter serves as a legal record for any disputes over security deposits. It documents the initial deposit amount, an accounting of deductions, and the amount returned.

  • Insurance Claims: Information in the return of security deposit letter can be used to file an insurance claim for expensive damages that are more than what you can deduct from a deposit for repairs.

Always check local security deposit state laws to make sure your tenant security deposit return letter covers all the legal bases.

Having a separate bank account for security deposits makes writing deposit return letters much easier, especially if you’re managing multiple units or properties. Even in states that don’t require separate accounts, I still use them to prevent deposits from getting mixed up with other payments or used for operating expenses.

This way, I have all of my tenant’s security deposit information in one place instead of hunting through statements to figure out when and how much they paid or if there were any deductions. Plus, I can clearly see interest accrued on a deposit that will be added to the amount returned in states where security deposits must be held in an interest-bearing account.

How to Write a Landlord Security Deposit Return Letter

While the rules for refunding security deposits vary by state, security deposit return letters generally include the following information:

  • Tenant Information: Include the tenant’s name and mailing address. Mention the names of any other tenants on the lease agreement.

  • Lease Details: Add your rental property address and the lease term dates. Mention security deposit terms and state laws outlined in the rental agreement.

  • Original Deposit Amount: Note the security deposit amount received at the beginning of the tenancy. This serves as a reference point for allowable security deposit deductions.

  • Itemized List of Deductions: If you’re withholding any of the deposit, provide an itemized security deposit deduction list. Include descriptions and incurred expenses for repairs beyond normal wear and tear, unpaid utilities, or unpaid rent.

  • Cleaning and Repair Receipts: Provide copies of receipts for any additional cleaning fees or repair costs. This shows your deductions are for legitimate charges.

  • Remaining Balance: State the total amount deducted from a security deposit (if applicable) and the remaining balance to be returned. Refunds may include interest in some states requiring a separate interest-bearing account for security deposits.

  • Contact and Deposit Details: Include your name, address, and contact information for any follow-up questions. Also, explain when and how a deposit is returned.

For more guidance, download our free security deposit return letter template.

Free Landlord Returning Security Deposit Letter Samples

To help get you started, we’ve included a sample letter to return security deposit funds for a full refund, partial refund, and no refund. Each sample has a free downloadable security deposit return letter template.

Security Deposit Letter Sample for Full Refund

John Doe
123 Tenant Lane
Anytown, USA
December 21, 2024

I am writing to inform you that your security deposit of $1,000 will be fully refunded for the rental unit located at 456 Rental Road, Anytown, USA, for the lease period of 08/01/2022 to 07/31/2023.

You will receive a check for the entire security deposit amount within 14 days, as per our lease agreement and state regulations.


Jane Smith
789 Landlord Avenue
Anytown, USA

Download the security deposit letter template for a full refund.

Security Deposit Letter Template for Full Refund

[Tenant Name]

[Tenant Address]


Dear [Tenant Name],

I am writing to inform you that your security deposit of [Deposit Amount] will be fully refunded for the rental unit located at [Property Address], for the lease period of [Lease Start and End Dates].

You will receive a [Method of Refund] for the entire security deposit amount within [Number of Days], as per our lease agreement and state regulations.

Thank you for being a responsible tenant.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Address]

Security Deposit Return Letter Sample for Partial Refund

Emily Johnson
321 Tenant Street
Cityville, USA
December 21, 2024

Dear Emily Johnson,

This letter serves as a statement for your security deposit of $1,500 for the property located at 789 Rental Boulevard, Cityville, USA, for the lease period of 09/01/2022 to 08/31/2023.

Based on our rental agreement and state regulations, I have deducted $350 from your security deposit for the following:

  • Carpet Cleaning Cost: $200
  • Repair of Broken Window: $100
    Unpaid Utility Bill: $50

The remaining balance of your security deposit is $1,150. I will return this amount by direct deposit within 21 days.

For any queries, feel free to contact me.


Michael Brown
123 Landlord Road
Cityville, USA

Download the security deposit letter template for a partial refund.

Security Deposit Return Letter Template for Partial Refund

[Tenant Name]

[Tenant Address]


Dear [Tenant Name],

This letter serves as a statement for your security deposit of [Deposit Amount] for the property located at [Property Address], for the lease period of [Lease Start and End Dates].

Based on our rental agreement and state regulations, I have deducted [Amount Deducted] from your security deposit for the following:

  • [Deduction]: [Cost]
  • [Deduction]: [Cost]
  • [Deduction]: [Cost]

The remaining balance of your security deposit after deductions is [Remaining Deposit Amount]. I will return this amount by [Method of Refund] within [Number of Days].

For any queries, feel free to contact me.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Address]

Security Deposit Return Letter Sample for No Refund

Sarah Thompson
456 Renter’s Way
Townsville, USA
December 21, 2024

Dear Sarah Thompson,

This letter is regarding your security deposit of $2,000 for 123 Lease Lane, Townsville, USA, for the lease period of 10/01/2022 to 09/31/2023. It has been determined that the cost of property damage and unpaid rent exceeds the deposit amount.

Deductions totaling $2,000 are as follows:

  • Extensive Kitchen Damage: $1,200
    Unpaid Rent for June: $800

As a result, your security deposit will not be refunded. Attached are the itemized deductions and relevant documentation for your reference.

Please contact me for any further clarification.


David Clark
789 Landlord Street
Townsville, USA

Download the security deposit letter template for a no refund.

Security Deposit Return Letter Template for No Refund

[Tenant Name]

[Tenant Address]


This letter is regarding your security deposit of [Deposit Amount] for [Property Address], for the lease period of [Lease Start and End Dates]. It has been determined that the cost of property damage and unpaid rent exceeds the deposit amount.

Deductions totaling [Amount Deducted] are as follows:

  • [Deduction]: [Cost]
  • [Deduction]: [Cost]
  • [Deduction]: [Cost]

As a result, your security deposit will not be refunded. Attached are the itemized deductions and relevant documentation for your reference.

Please contact me for any further clarification.


[Your Name]

[Your Signature]

[Your Contact Information]

[Your Address]

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Final Thoughts

Each part of a security deposit refund letter should be easy to understand, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Download our free security deposit return letter templates to make sure you include all of the necessary information for refunds and deductions.

To make the deposit refund process even easier, consider using a free Baselane security deposit account. Create multiple accounts per property while earning up to 4.19% APY and 5% cash back, all with no account fees or minimum balances.

Want to see how it works? Book a Demo here.

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Financial Technology, Real Estate Investing, and Property Management, Accounting and Tax, Finance
Saad started his career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) working for a top-tier accounting firm. He was responsible for helping audit alternative investment funds. He later worked at a hedge fund where he was responsible for preparing financial statements and implementing new technology. He also ran a successful private tax practice for five years.

After completing his MBA at Duke, Saad joined The Boston Consulting Group to do management consulting. At BCG his experience spanned several industries and growth projects across Pharma, Retail, and Technology companies. His passion for democratizing finances led him to Plaid, a fintech, where he worked with large Banks and Financial Institutions to make finances and money easier for all.
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Security Deposit Return Letter Template for 2024